Thursday, November 13, 2008

Multi-use.. water?

Over the past few weeks I've been working hard on reducing my single serve usage. I continue to find going out with friends challenging because of the widely accepted use of single serve everything. It feels embarrassing to constantly be making requests to change the way my food is served to me and it's hard to explain my venture to some.

So I decided it will be worthwhile to make some added changes in my personal life that I can be proud of all on my own, without having to answer to anyone publicly. I've found a way to re-use my dish water (thanks Emily for the suggestion). When I do my dishes, I use a plastic tub in my sink to catch the water. After my dishes are done, I bring the water out to my compost bin and this moisture helps to speed up the process of composting. I've heard of people also using their shower water in similar ways (watering plants, grass, etc). Feeling the cold weather in MN right now makes me think I need a little more time to mentally prepare for this one. Maybe there will be a warm stint in December to trigger my motivation.

Clearly one of my goals is to get out the idea of trying to reduce our single serve usage, but sometimes it nice to do it without the added attention. Being the introvert that I am, it's challenging to take a stand to do something out of the ordinary. But regardless of that, it's gratifying to know that my carbon footprint is getting a little smaller each day.

ps... on an exciting side note, some of my coworkers have decided to follow my lead and bring utensils from home instead of using disposables.